How To Check And Revise Your Manuscript Before Final Submission

Course in Journal Publication

How To Check And Revise Your Manuscript Before Final Submission

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Upskill A scholarly learning platform with the largest collection of researcher-focused programs developed by top academic experts.

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Know if you’ve covered all bases to sail through the submission process smoothly

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45 mins



Online, On-demand learning

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2 modules

What you learn

The expectations of readers and reviewers

The process for self-review of the first draft

How to revise your manuscript’s first draft

The reviewing structure for a scientific paper

The best writing process to make review simple

The importance of getting feedback


Before submitting your manuscript to a journal, you have to take care of many things – right from checking the IMRAD structure to addressing every little submission requirement. If you want journal editors to consider your paper, you must ensure that you deliver a great manuscript that matches the editor’s expectations and gives you the highest chances of acceptance.

In this program, you will learn how to eliminate the most common errors that lead to manuscript rejection by subjecting your paper to several reviews with different objectives. You will also know the critical aspects you should focus on, such as the language, presentation, and formatting. This course, with detailed explanations, multiple evaluations to test your learning, and curated content based on 18+ years of editorial expertise, has all you need to create a publishing-worthy paper!

Course Narrator:

Harold Swindall, Academic Trainer Hal Swindall holds a master's in English and a PhD in comparative literature. For 25 years, he has taught, edited, and researched in East Asia besides scholarly visits to Europe. Presently he works as an English teacher trainer at the University of Malaya in Malaysia, mainly teaching academic writing and research to graduates and supervising TESL theses. Hal has also designed and conducted English academic writing workshops for non-native English speakers, and is performing mixed-method research in this area. Besides all that, he has 25 years of experience in a variety of editing and has helped many scholars publish in major journals. He believes in giving every aspiring researcher the attention and help they need to realize their goals. Hal's languages include French and Italian, besides Chinese, and he has published on such wide-ranging topics as Buddhist art and Chinese poetry, but his dissertation research was on late nineteenth-century artistic prose.

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LECTURE 1 |Video

Course video

30 mins


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15 mins

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A scholarly learning platform with the largest collection of researcher-focused programs developed by top academic experts.

37 courses by this instructor

Part of Cactus Communications’ R ecosystem of tools and solutions for researchers, Upskill is a learning platform that comprises of the largest collection of researcher-focused programs, developed by top academic experts. Learn anytime, anywhere with bite-sized online programs on research writing, journal publication, career development, science communication, funding, researcher wellness, and…

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Reviews (5)

Dr. Sundaranayagi S.

This course is fruitful and tells the importance of revisions before submitting a paper.

Reena Lad

This was really useful to make the topic to the point.

Amalia Khalda

it makes me more understand with what shoudl I do before manuscript submission.

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