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About me

Part of Cactus Communications’ R ecosystem of tools and solutions for researchers, Upskill is a learning platform that comprises of the largest collection of researcher-focused programs, developed by top academic experts. Learn anytime, anywhere with bite-sized online programs on research writing, journal publication, career development, science communication, funding, researcher wellness, and more. Our multi-format programs come with expert advice, practical examples, and a certificate on course completion, which allow researchers to apply what they’ve learnt to excel in real-world scenarios. Trusted by top academic institutions, and over 15,000 researchers, Upskill empowers researchers to master new skills on the path to all-round researcher success.

My Courses (36)

World class tutors from trusted institutions across the world

PhD, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor, Kent State University,
Founder, Codemy

World class tutors from

PhD, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor, Kent State University,
Founder, Codemy