Smitha  Murthy - R Upskill Training Instructor


Smitha Murthy

About me

Smitha Murthy, has over 20+ years of experience navigating the upper echelons of the corporate world. She is also a Computer Science Engineering graduate, and has earned a Diploma in Business Management from Symbiosis. She has also been facilitating meditation, Yoga, power breathing and conceptual reframing techniques as a volunteer corporate faculty of the Art of Living programs for more than 15 years, and is passionate about helping organizations and individuals find inner peace and enhance their well-being by employing effective breathing techniques and mindfulness practices.

My Course (1)

World class tutors from trusted institutions across the world

PhD, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor, Kent State University,
Founder, Codemy

World class tutors from

PhD, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor, Kent State University,
Founder, Codemy