course in Career development

Become A Peer Reviewer! (Fundamental training course)

The fundamental peer reviewer training course is suitable for new and established peer reviewers in any subject area. It will help you understand the primary and critical aspects about peer review. The course is endorsed by Wolters Kluwer and SPIE.

2 hours 30 mins


Video + Text

7 modules


Online, On-demand learning

Access on any device

What you learn

  • Understand what it takes to be a peer reviewer
  • Recognize the components of a great peer review
  • Identify the focus areas in different sections of a manuscript
  • Effectively interact with authors and editors
  • Description

    Becoming a peer reviewer is a milestone in the career of a young academic. Serving as a peer reviewer improves a researcher’s profile and offers a highly valued channel through which to give back to the academic community.

    This is an engaging and comprehensive training program for young researchers who want to be peer reviewers or have received their first peer review invitation but don't know how to get started. This course is also useful for experienced reviewers who would like to polish their skills.


    Preview course

    LECTURE 1 | Document/Slides

    Understanding the peer review process

    20 mins

    LECTURE 2 | Document/Slides

    Do you have what it takes to be a peer reviewer?

    25 mins

    LECTURE 3 | Document/Slides

    You’ve accepted the editor’s invitation, what next?

    25 mins

    LECTURE 4 | Document/Slides

    A deep dive into conducting a peer review

    25 mins

    LECTURE 5 | Document/Slides

    Decision time – recommendations and evaluation

    25 mins

    LECTURE 6 | Document/Slides

    Tying it all up

    25 mins

    LECTURE 7 | Document/Slides

    Concluding the basic course module

    5 mins

    Instructor (1)


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